
Showing posts from July, 2008

Seven Surprising Ways to Meet your Dream Man

Finding your dream man is easier if you stop trying, if you try to hard you can come across as being desperate. Surprising? Maybe. Most experts will tell you, though, that finding the right man means first building a good relationship with yourself. 1. Start With Yourself "If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people." -- Robert A. Heinlein If you’re unhappy with yourself then no outside relationship will make you happy. Invest time in personal developmen t and get to know yourself, if you don't like yourself how on the earth do you think someone will like you if you don't like yourself in the first place? . Talk with your friends about their experiences, read books, or look for a reputable seminar to attend. 2. Decide What’s Important Think about characteristics that fit with your goals and passions. Are you career-oriented or more laid-back? What hobbies or activities do you enjoy? What moral


What you're expected to know but nobody will tell you... A recent survey indicated that over 40 million singles have used or are currently using online dating services . It’s a huge business that has ushered in a whole new era of dating with its own unique set of rules. Of course you know about online dating safety and how to protect yourself from unwanted attention. But do you know the unwritten rules, the tips and tricks that will make your online dating experience much better? Keep Your Expectations Low It has been estimated that 96% of the people who use online dating services fail to find a compatible person with whom to have a dating relationship. Part of the reason for this, though, is that most people approach online matchmaking with unrealistic expectations. When they don’t find a perfect match after one or two dates they give up and try something else. Despite what the advertising wants you to believe, your perfect match isn’t going to just

Dating Mistakes: The Real Reason He Won't Call

Ladies, we’ve all been through it. He’s a great guy, he seems to enjoy your company, and he said he’d call……but he hasn’t. There are many why this could be happening, many of which have more to do with him than with you. Think carefully, though, about the following common dating blunders that may have contributed to the lack of activity on your telephone. Talking Too Much This is a common blunder that many women make. Experts point out that women are typically much more verbal than men, so what may seem like a normal amount of talking to you could seem like endless chattering to him. Emotional Dependence A desperate or needy woman will send all but the bravest man running for cover. Most men want to be with a woman who has a strong sense of self worth, so take the time to do some personal development in this area if needed. Breaking Promises In a relationship there are all sorts of promises made, both spoken and unspoken. T

Dating Etiquette

Dating etiquette comes naturally to people who already have good manners and show consideration for others at all times. It has become second nature to them; they are not self-centered and are respected by people of either sex. By the end of this page you will know whether you have good dating etiquette or not. If not – practice, practice, practice good manners with every person you encounter every day. It will change your world for the better. When people date they usually share a common objective – they hope to win over the object of their affection. They therefore want to give a favourable impression of themselves. Hopefully, they will also bring out the best in their date. The fact that you have read this far indicates that you want to know how to behave properly on your date so that you can practice good dating etiquette; a good start. Dating Etiquette - General The rules are basically the same for teens, the middle aged and seniors, first date or last date, girls or gu

Online Dating Rule #2

Use a sexy photo in your online dating site profiles . This will attract more users to read your bio. You have to consider yourself as a product that you are advertising and sell yourself to other singles.

Online Dating Rule #1

Never give out your home address until you meet someone in a public place first. For your own safety you should meet your online mate at a local coffee shop or bar a few times before giving out your home address. Online dating should be a fun and positive experience. A few simple safety measures will ensure you will enjoy internet dating to the fullest.

Dating Tips - Six Good Suggestions to Succeed in Internet Dating

The skyrocketing popularity of online dating today implies that at least ninety percent of people in the world are hooked by it. It will be surprising if a person who does not have a date or never experienced dating will not give the slightest thought of trying the online dating fad. Even an attempt to get involved will qualify their interest. In the first place, they will not be reading this article. There are testimonies wherein couples ended up having successful relationships just by starting meeting online. They have invested time and effort to make their relationship work. Others have heard these stories and are hopeful to have their own stories to tell as well. Nobody can suppress the fact that there are relationships that can work using dating sites. There are a lot of physical relationships that do not work, therefore both worlds are vulnerable to risks and chances of success are just the same. The following tips will help you if you have decided to take an advantage of technol

Dating Tips - Is it Possible to Fall in Love on the First Date?

Everybody will agree that love is always in the air even if it is not Valentines Day. It is not bounded with time and occasion. As long as a person recognizes the need to love and be loved, this intense emotion is always available. Anyway, this so called Love Day on February 14 makes people who do not have a date more miserable and insecure. Much more that society or maybe businesses demand that you need to have a date on this day. People understand that nobody needs to get bounded by dating on any special day. They can have dating activities anytime they want. But still the same these "love" freaks face the usual challenge: how to get a good date with a person who they find interesting. At least this will satisfy their egos and social need to communicate. Unless a person wants to deliberately become anti-social, then it will explain that he does not want to get involved in a relationship and dating is not his type. When it comes to online dating , it is virtually impossible

Dating Tips For Shy Guys - 1 Simple Strategy For Fast Success

In this article we are going to talk DIRECTLY to shy guys. I know there are a lot of you out there, and often times the VERY best men simply fall between the cracks because they don't aggressively go after the stuff (or the Women!) that they REALLY want. What you may NOT know is that many women find shy men VERY appealing and sexy, but if you don't ever put yourself out there, you simply are NOT going to find this out. So read on as I share a quick and easy strategy you can try today to amp up your game a bit and get everything you definitely deserve! Filed Under: A Simple Philosophy I am a firm believer that you simply have to rewire your INTERNAL belief system if you are stuck in the quick sand of an OVERLY shy personality. We EACH have a purpose for our lives, and as long as you are FREE, you have the incredible ability to accomplish ANYTHING you so desire. Picture the perfect girl in your mind for YOU. What does she look like? Dress like, smell like, talk like? Make this i

Dating Tips - Learn How to Distinguish Friendly and Romantic Dates

Any of us possess the nature of a social being. We need people to interact with, talk to, laugh along, argue with, love and be loved. Therefore dating is so popular. There are several kinds of dating. Going out with a specific person or in groups to enjoy each others company is considered dating. We may go out to movies, sports activities, parks, or merely lazing around in the house. There are prepared dates and spontaneous dates. There are also dates that are satisfying and others becoming not so cool in the end. In short, dating is a social activity where a person has the opportunity to grow in the presence of another. Being in a company is one opportunity to know a person or persons at a deeper level. Meeting them two or more times may develop the interest and the natural bond. Some end up becoming good friends for a lifetime, others mere acquaintances for some time and others end up having romantic relationships. In this online dating phenomenon, when can we identify if it is just
Whether it's your first date or your 100th, a bit of dating advice for women won't hurt. If this is indeed your first date, at least you know what kind of mistakes to avoid and how to get out of awkward situations. If this is your 100th, well, you'll want to read more and learn why things aren't always working well. During this get-to-know each other stage, you have a tendency to get butterflies in your stomach. You can be excited and yet insecure at the same time. By reading each dating advice for women listed below, you'll be able to become more comfortable and confident of yourself when the date finally ensues. No Harm in Preparing. You don't have to throw a party to celebrate your date but you do want to be prepared. After all, you want to enjoy every single second of your time together. In order to avoid all those stereotypical situations you're afraid of, make back-up plans. When a guy asks you out for a date, he's usually the one who pays the bil

The Guide to Getting Women - Part One

The structure of The Guide: 1) The Fundamentals - what you need to know before you go on. 2) Going out - where to go, who to go with. 3) Scoping - learn to see what's really going on around you. 4) Approach - how to approach women, what to talk about, how to talk, when to talk. 5) Closing - finishing the conversation and getting her phone number or e-mail. 6) Dating - where to go, what to do, what not to do, how to get laid. 7) Relationships - how to start one, how to keep one. The Fundamentals It is vital that you have the fundamentals straightened out before venturing into the world of hot women. Without them, the effectiveness of your seduction techniques is massively reduced. So what are the fundamentals? They lie in your attitude and your appearance. Step One: ATTITUDE Attitude isn't necessarily about how you act and how you behave. It's more about how you think, and how you understand. First of all, you must *truly realize* that you won't be able to get any girls

Falling in Love With the Man of Your Dreams

True love comes out of no where. You don't expect it, you can't guess it, you can't force just happens. But in order for true love to find you, you must believe it will and you must open your heart to it's extraordinary power. And this is why you need to put yourself out there so that you are exposed to the possibilities. True love will find you when you least expect i t , but it cannot find you if you are hiding. There are a few ways women hide: 1. They've been hurt before so they give up, blame men for their misfortunes, and sit at home wasting away. They can't bear the thought of seeing couples together. If you are in this category, love will never find you if you resent it. Love will find you if you embrace it. 2. Sit in denial about needing, wanting, and desiring a partner. You'll often hear, "I'm happy being single." Meaning, I am going to give myself the excuse to not get my heart involved with anyone and I am going to be grumpy,

Online Dating - Talking To A Man For The First Time

Meeting new men online can be exciting and fun, but ultimately you want to meet them in person. Your first phone call with an online match may decide if the relationship moves forward or ends. Take the time to prepare for a successful first phone call. Get A Calling Card There is a good possibility that you will end up communicating with men that are outside your local calling area. Local toll calls can be quite expensive. A way around this is to get a calling card. Costco has a calling card for 2.9 cents a minute, for local and long distance calls. This compares to 10+ cents a minute from your local phone company. Ask For His Phone Number In order to preserve your privacy, do not give out your phone number to your online matches. When you are ready to talk on the phone with your online match, let him know in an e-mail. Say that you don't give out your number, but if he trusts you with his phone number, you would enjoy talki

Online Dating - Talking To A Woman For The First Time

The first big step in moving from an online relationship to one in the real world is talking on the phone for the first time. As a guy, you are probably going to be ready to take that step before your online match. With good reason, women approach online dating a bit more cautiously than men. Your best chance to talk to her on the phone and eventually meet her is to allow things to move forward at a pace she feels comfortable. You should be willing to take things slow and let her be in the driver’s seat. When you want to talk to her on the phone, simply let her know that you are willing to give her your number when she is ready for your first phone call. Get A Few Calling Cards There is a good possibility that you will end up communicating with women that are outside your local calling area. Local toll calls can be quite expensive. A way around this is to get a calling card. Costco has calling cards for 2.9 cents a minute, for local

Online Dating - Meeting A Man For The First Time

You started online dating to meet a man. Now it is time to meet your online match for the first time. Meeting a man in a comfortable and safe environment will give you the best chance to relax while you explore the romantic possibilities. Meet As Friends When it comes time to meet your online match in person, meet as friends. Don’t go to your first meeting with the idea in your mind that he is The One or might be The One. That puts way too much pressure on your first meeting. Meet At An Agreed Place When you are ready to meet your online match, suggest meeting on the weekend. Meeting for lunch, coffee or dessert all work well since none implies huge expectations. You might ask for a few suggestions, but I think you should select the place to meet. This allows you to choose a place where you will feel comfortable. Unless one of you is driving a long distance, I would try to make the first meeting fairly shor

Online Dating - Meeting A Woman For The First Time

You started online dating to meet a woman, you emailed each other and now it is time for the next step. Meeting a woman in a comfortable environment is your best strategy for transitioning to a relationship in the real world. Meet As Friends When it comes time to meet your online match in person, meet as friends. Don’t go to your first meeting with the idea in your mind that she is The One or might be The One. That puts way too much pressure on your first meeting. Meet At An Agreed Place When your online match has decided that she is ready to meet you, let her pick the place for your first meeting. This allows her to choose a place where she will feel comfortable. She may ask for some guidance and making a few suggestions is fine. You might also want to give her a few no-go places if you don’t enjoy a particular type of food, but you should try to be flexible. Unless one of you is driving a long distance, I would try to make the f

The Ultimate Romance Experience

What is your ultimate romantic experience? Did you meet someone on a online dating site or did you travel somewhere and met the person of your derams when you least expected it? Share your experience with us!